Charitable Gaming Event


Who Can Apply for a Charitable Gaming Permit

Volunteer fire companies, veterans organizations, religious or charitable organizations, and fraternal societies that have been in existence a minimum of two years may apply for a charitable gaming permit, provided:

You must receive your Charitable Gaming Event permit before advertising or holding the event.

What is Charitable Gaming?

State of Delaware law defines charitable gaming as “any game or scheme in which chance is the dominant factor in the game and a consideration is paid to play and a prize may be won”. Acceptable games include draw poker, stud poker, blackjack and other similar card games, big six wheels and similar devices, dice games (other than craps), and horse racing games. Slot machines, roulette, craps and baccarat games are prohibited.

Do not apply for this Charitable Gaming Permit if you are applying for a Bingo, Instant or Sealed Games, Raffle or Texas Hold’Em tournament permit.

Limitations on Charitable Gaming Events

Information on How to Apply for a License in DELPROS

All applications are submitted our online system DELPROS. We no longer accept paper applications.


In order to apply for a license or submit a service request, you must first have a DELPROS user account. To LOG IN or CREATE a DELPROS (Delaware Professional Regulation Online Services) user account:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click GO on the Apply/Manage a License and Service Requests tile.
  3. If you do not have a DELPROS user account, click the REGISTER button on the left side of page forNEW USERS.
  4. If you already have a DELPROS user account, enter your email address and password on the right side for EXISTING USERS and click the LOGIN button.

DELPROS allows you to save your incomplete application and return to it later to finish the process. You only have six (6) months to submit your application once you begin.

You may check the status of your application online throughout the entire application process by using the “View Application Status” feature in DELPROS on your e-License dashboard.


  1. Know the requirements for the license you are pursuing.
  2. Request and gather all documents required to upload on the Attachments page. All information and forms are located on your profession’s webpages.


On the ATTACHMENTS page of your application, you may be instructed to: